Hair Today...
So I have decided to bite the bullet and try to get my hair satisfactorily cut again. I say satisfactorily because the immortal words of my hairdresser friend Sam keep ringing around my head like a Warner Bros. cartoon 'Yanks can't cut hair for shit...' Not that I like to get involved with racist slurs and/ or generalisations but in my experience (African American hair aside because BOY do the Americans hold the gold there) , he's erm... kinda right.
My experiences have pretty much cemented this as truth. It seems that a cut that takes a year to grow out but costs you a kidney is just as poor as one that costs you gas money and a pack of crackers. I have had both and both have sucked.
There was the cheapie cut that had a single and oddly placed layer, kinda resembling a poorly grown out mullet THING that would poof up everytime I walked through even the tiniest amount of steam. This was done by the new, young and funky girl in the unamed salon that I was hoping for over the old and mulleted (notice a theme) senior stylist when I took a risk and decided to do a walk in. Working at CTA, I was always warned; watch out for your stylists's hair. If it's horrible then the chances are yours will be too. But hers was fabulous and it's rude to ask the potential stylist who cut their hair because you'd prefer their services. MISTAKE... $20 lighter, I wore a hat for the summer. I bet it was the mullet that styled her hair too...
However, fearless, I decided on a restyle for the play I was in. Bangs this time and a subtle chocolate brown and blonde hilights/ lowlights combo. I asked the resident hottie at work (not my tastes but I am not a lesbian and am therefore not much of a referee) who cut her tresses and she suggested someone. Let us just say that she must really have something against me because I ended up with orange, stripy hair (the girl didn't even look at a color chart with me) and this oddly cut 'signature' strip of hair that was cut Human League stylie and bleached platinum blonde!! Sure, a signature is great but it's nice to have one that's LEGIBLE, lady!!
God bless Warren- my hairdresser back in Blighty!! That man is a marvel but even his handywork grows out after time. Kinda like a sandcastle on the beach when the tide comes in *sigh*... My hair looks crap again and since I am not going back to the Uk for Christmas anymore... once more in to the breach dear boy...
Needless to say that with my fine and curly (nay, frizzy) hair, it's always fun having a hair cut anyway. Kinda like Russian Roulette. Will this be a big one, will it hold its style? Spin the wheel folks...
However, I figure if you're going to take a risk, do it with flourish...

You know tho…
Yeah, I like to take risks. I am a daredevil…
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