Raspberry Cordial and the Stupid Pink Stick Men

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Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Where's the 'FUN' in that???

Additional note- Hershey's sucks!!!

There I was about to unwrap a tasty treat to cheer my otherwise dull afternoon in the form of a 'funsize' (which always hit me as being the worst kind of oxymoron anyway) pack of Milk Duds.

The small box suggested that there would be either one of two outcomes:

1- It was filled to bursting with teeny weeny milk duds...
2- It has at least 5 in there..

No, this is not the case.

As if the midget sized box isn't insult enough as the fun part of your 'fun sized' tea break... it contains ONE FREAKING MILK DUD????

If I were a kid on Halloween, I'd stamp back to the house of the person that gave me that little 'treat' and egg the bugger!!!

They ought to change their wording to something more suitable:

- Atkins Diet Sized
-Third World Portion Sized

or how about,

-Supermodel Sized??

That ought to get the teeny boppers buying their microscopic wares.

Good grief, as if life isn't depressing enough, they take the ONE thing we enjoy that has NO nutritional value at all and ruin it!!!

I had to eat 14 boxes just to make a real portion...


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