Raspberry Cordial and the Stupid Pink Stick Men

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Thursday, October 19, 2006

A Marriage Made In Hell...

Imagine my horror as I was looking for un-copyrighted clippies online in order to make a wonderful compo of me killing several people from Time Warner. My personal favorite being Shondra or at least it sounded like Shondra but she was chewing gum loudly and yawning a lot. She placed me on hold for 25 minutes and then proceeded to tell me she didn't have what I wanted and hung up on me.

I came across this wonderful little nugget of information...

That's right, ladies and gentlemen, two of the most hideously inept and uncaring corporations have joined forces to create what I can only surmise will be the end of the world as we know it. That is if they can be arsed to get their plan working and if the thing even runs when it's supposed to.

Imagine what their children would be like-

Pretty much the very encyclopaedia description of slow and stupid!!!

I hate Time Warner and I hate AOL, oh well, I can combine them both in my hit list now and save on ammo!!!

HOORAY!! I may send them a fruit basket [laced with E-Bola]...