Behold The Awesome Terror Of The TWEEP!!
Ya know, I have been thinking a lot about food of late (since I am on YET another diet, although I'm down to 19lbs lost now so whoop dee whoop!!) and the irony that there are starving and war torn people out there with nothing to eat while we have some of the most robust foodstuffs known to man right here in our convenience stores.
That's right friends, I'm talking about Peeps... not that they're the healthiest foods in the world but alongside Twinkies you have your carbohydrate which (to everyone other than a diet obsessed health nut with the wrong end of the dookey stick) is actually quite handy when it comes to storing energy and general health. You have your wheat group in the twinkies (I think that's still carbohydrate to be honest but there you go, it's good for you), you have dairy in the twinkie filling and probably some minerals in the sprinkly things on the peeps. All in all a fairly decent snack. Plus, if you're starving, you're not about to turn down a pack of happy looking mallow chicks and some bread sponges are you?
So, I thought further... I mean due to the pretty much indestructible nature of the foods, they're probably going to last longer than the planes dropping them on people in the middle of a harsh gun battle. Being that they're small and spongy and also very light...
All of which brought me to this BRILLIANT conclusion... Bravo, Miss Natalie, Bravo...
... If ever there was a nuclear war- and let's be honest here, it's terrifyingly likely in our lifetime. what would survive?
The answer... Twinkies and Peeps. Ironically there would be no one to eat them and their refined sugar would merely fester for years and years becoming activated by the nuclear fallout like the sugar in booze and they would meld and grow. Left to their own devices for enough time they would become a whole new... thing.
The TWEEP!!!
Huge and ravenous, the Tweep would roam the streets of Tokyo looking for food because ironically it is as nauseated by its substance as we are. And it's PISSED!!
Only Godzilla can save us........

OK, I was bored and Photoshop was open...